Welcome To Our Coordinators Log Page 

Assemble the people – men, women and children . . . so they can listen and learn to fear the Lord your God and follow carefully all the words of this law” Deuteronomy 31:12.

It’s gathering families together for intergenerational blessings.
God has the ultimate perspective and plan. We can trust Him to lead us in the right direction!  In fact, He led and motioned your heart to come to this page to update your contact details and  log-in a new AP Seminar soon.  :)  

What is this page for?   This is where you will submit the details of your forthcoming seminars that we will post, promote and appear on our website "SCHEDULES"  at the same time, this is where you will upload your seminar reports and materials requests.
Participants can register ONLINE and you can also manually register them at the Schedules Menu.     What's cool is that you can copy the schedule link of your seminar and share it on your SMS and or social media. 
Let's start:
Separate email addresses with a comma.