
Ancient Paths Seminar
This is the original 16-hour Ancient Paths Experience. The teaching includes solid principles and moving examples that open the heart for ministry to receive healing from a cursed identity. The intent of the teaching is not just for information, but to expose hidden areas of woundedness that have occurred in the family of origin or through other significant relationships. Topics in this original seminar include some of the same as in the newer Empowering Relationships and the Blessing Generations seminars.
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Transforming Hearts
Ancient Paths 2
This is a powerful, level 2 event which may be attended following any of the Ancient Paths weekends with small group ministry. The 12-hour (typically Friday evening and Saturday) experience is structured with teaching, sharing, prayer and ministry in small groups. As teaching topics are brought up, the small groups, led by trained facilitators, give opportunity for ministry in that specific area of the individual's life, marriage or family. Topics include freedom from shame and softening a hardened heart. Prerequisite: You must have completed at least one Ancient Paths seminar with small group ministry.
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Blessing Generations
This is a powerful, level 2 event which may be attended following any of the Ancient Paths weekends with small group ministry. The 12-hour (typically Friday evening and Saturday) experience is structured with teaching, sharing, prayer and ministry in small groups. As teaching topics are brought up, the small groups, led by trained facilitators, give opportunity for ministry in that specific area of the individual's life, marriage or family. Topics include freedom from shame and softening a hardened heart. Prerequisite: You must have completed at least one Ancient Paths seminar with small group ministry. This is also great for your family and or corporate group.
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Empowering Relationships
In this 12-hour experience (usually Friday evening and Saturday), Craig Hill teaches on video about the ancient paths of relational communication, the battle between flesh and spirit and how to return the soul to peace. The final topics are on offense and strife. This teaching and small group ministry times in this seminar will greatly impact your relationships with God, others and even yourself.
This is also great for your family and or corporate group
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Financial Foundations
This seminar is different from other Christian finance seminars. The teaching does not feature merely "practical" information on finances, but follows Craig Hill's anointed understanding of God's Word in teaching finances from a Biblical and heart perspective (Matt. 6:21). The teaching and personal ministry opportunities will reveal root causes why you may not be prospering financially as you should. If your heart's desire is to be able to have an abundance to pour into God's Kingdom here on earth, this seminar experience is for you!
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Overcoming Anger
Why would you want to manage your anger when you can learn to overcome? Overcoming Anger is a 9-hour (typically full day on Saturday) experience that presents practical, biblically-based reasons for anger and solutions to overcome anger and other compulsive habits. The teaching and small group ministry help identify the root causes of these compulsions and as God touches them, authentic and lasting victory is realized!
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Covenant Marriage
The Covenant Marriage experience provides married couples with teaching and ministry times to find God's perfect way for marriage by discovering His ancient path of covenant. There are also teachings on relational communication and how transparency in a marriage is the key to intimacy. Teachings on video include Craig Hill, Bob & Audrey Meisner and Dave & Maxine Broom. This impactful weekend concludes with a time to renew your marriage commitment in a meaningful celebration. Past participants have called this weekend marriage experience "divorce insurance."
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The Question For Women
"The Question" for Women is an exciting, life-changing teaching and video presentation designed especially for women seeking an answer to the question, "Who am I?" Although the 12-hour (typically Friday evening and Saturday) event was originally designed for young unmarried women, women of all ages and life experiences have found the teaching and small group experiences in this weekend to be life changing and impacting!
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